Monthly Archives: October 2013

  1. How are the Detroit Three Doing Amid the Bankruptcy of the City?

    How are the Detroit Three Doing Amid the Bankruptcy of the City?

    It's hard to talk about Detroit and not feel a little saddened. This once glorious city, a backbone of America's economical growth, and...
  2. 5 Tech Treats for Halloween

    5 Tech Treats for Halloween

    Who said that Halloween treats should be only candy? And who said Halloween is only for kids? You cannot deny that the trick or treat...
  3. Express Yourself Through a USB Dead Drop

    Express Yourself Through a USB Dead Drop

    The phrase "dead drop" is an old one coming from the art of espionage. Dead drop refers to when two people exchange an item or a letter...
  4. Geek-O-Meter: Top 5 TV Geek Series

    Geek-O-Meter: Top 5 TV Geek Series

    What makes a geek geeky? Is it their choice of clothes? Is it their unhealthy infatuation with all things technological and IT? Is it some...
  5. The Pioneers of Personal Computers: an IBM Story

    The Pioneers of Personal Computers: an IBM Story

    While IBM is undoubtedly most famous for the era of personal computers, the company's story goes back nearly a century before that. To...
  6. Quantitative Reasoning for Math Phobes 101

    Quantitative Reasoning for Math Phobes 101

    Does your brain hurt when you sense a math problem swirling in the air? Have you hated math since early childhood, and experience math...
  7. Keep it Extra Safe with a USB Condom and Data Encryption

    Keep it Extra Safe with a USB Condom and Data Encryption

    Most of us don't think of USB charging as a dangerous process. You just plug in your gadget in the computer's USB port and get some juice....