How To Keep Your Kids Safe On The Internet

How To Keep Your Kids Safe On The Internet

The internet is a fabulous place. It is full of information, a go-to for many of us when we want to be entertained, get in touch with family or friends, or need to figure out the definition of a word.

As adults, we know there are dangers on the internet, but we just know how to avoid it. We do not visit "those" websites, stay clear of curtain search words and know how to stay safe for the most part. But, do we know how to keep our kids safe on the internet? With such innocent minds, they do not know to not search certain keywords, or to not visit certain websites. Today, we are going to discuss how we can keep our most precious jewels safe online.

Kids using the Internet

  • Turn on Filters. Almost all devices these days have options to set up filters to protect young eyeballs. You can turn on filters (that hide certain content based on the settings you pick) in places like your search engines. Those aren't always super safe. Kids can still figure out how to turn on/off the settings or open incognito windows, which will not have those same filters. So, going to the settings on all browsers is the best bet. You can choose which types of content gets filtered: things like nudity, foul language, and x-rated content will quickly get filtered out from ALL of the browsers with these settings.
  • Lay Down Rules. Just laying down rules (and consequences) can make a huge difference. Be sure your kids know what they can and can not look up online and what happens if they do.
  • Check Up. There are several tools and applications you can install these days to allow you to watch what your children are looking at (there are even apps that will tell you how many minutes they spent on a certain site). These come in handy because you can nip any potential issues in the bud before they get worse.
  • Limit Social Media. Social media is so much fun, but there are also potential predators on these sites. You can protect your child from any potential dangers by limiting how much time they spend on social media, who gets to be "friends" with them and setting their privacy settings appropriately.
  • Teach Children Never To Give Out Personal Information. It may seem like an old-school rule, but this one may be the most valuable tip on this list. Make sure your child knows never to give out personal information like addresses or phone numbers. This will help them stay safer online and protect them from identity theft.

There are dozens (probably hundreds) of ways to keep our children safe online. We also suggest custom webcam covers to protect everyone's privacy online.

The internet is marvelous, but curiosity can often get the best of us. Be sure you have some (if not all) of these standards to protect your children from the wiles of the world!