Lemon Power Bank

Lemon Power Bank

When you are one of the largest citrus producers in the U.S. what gift do you have made for your customers? A lemon power bank, of course.

This client found the novelty of giving clients something they can use every day, like a custom power bank. For growers who are out in the field checking on their groves having a power bank can be a lifesaver. Mobile phones and tablets can be power hogs, particularly if the data signal is weak. Power banks ensure you don't have to leave your electronics behind to let them charge.

When you have custom power banks made as a corporate gift, you are expanding your brand reach. Whenever your customer uses the power bank, someone who isn't a customer will likely see it and ask how they can get one, too.

Ready to put your corporate branding on a custom power bank? Check out our custom power bank page and get your quote today. Your account manager and our expert designers will help you grow a bumper crop.

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