City Bus USB Flash Drive

City Bus USB Flash Drive

Public transit providers love our city bus USB flash drives.

There is a lot going on in the transit industry. Electric, battery-powered buses are not a futuristic dream. Large city and regional transit agencies are working towards fully battery-powered fleets. Industry experts say 50-60 percent of municipal buses will run on electricity alone by 2030.

Getting information to advertising partners and riders is an important part of an agency's overall marketing strategy, too.

Custom Bus USB Flash Drive

Bus manufacturers and contracted transit providers also need to get that information to transit authority boards. They want clients to know their buses do more than just run on clean energy. Electric buses also lower overall maintenance and operating costs.

Custom Bus USB Flash Drive

USB thumb drives make a nice handout to riders. They are a smart way to get information into the right hands at the right time much like your dial-a-ride programs. Hand these out at events marketing your services, pre-loaded with information for users. Include transit fare or route schedules or videos showing how your buses operate for other users.

Ready to jump into using USB drives to better-market your transit services? Check out our city bus USB flash drive page and our Transportation Flash Drives. Our expert designers can create a bus you and your clients will use as often as they do your services.

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