Chicken USB Flash Drive

Chicken USB Flash Drive

Introducing our chicken USB flash drive. We can't help it, the dad jokes here write themselves:

Why do chickens lay eggs? Because if they dropped them, they'd break!

One of the most closely-related dinosaur descendants, chickens were domesticated somewhere between 8,000 and 10,000 years ago. And most people think domestic dinosaurs were just a thing in Jurassic Park!

Do you build processing equipment, make feed, or raise the livestock themselves? A custom chicken USB flash drive from Logotech will help your business development take flight! Constructed out of a durable rubberized PVC and with infinite color and shape options available. The end product is sure to make weight.

(Yes, we were talking bantam chickens/bantam boxing weight. We noted there were dad jokes in here).

Ready to get started? Visit our custom USB page to learn more.

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