Aluminum Refillable Spray Bottle With Pen

From $1.70
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About Aluminum Refillable Spray Bottle With Pen

Create a safer environment around school, the office, factory floor or a retail space when your make Personal Protective Equipment and accessories readily available. This 1 3/8 Inch x 3 miniature plunger-action pen is made of rubberized aluminum. The barrel reservoir can be filled and refilled with hand sanitizer (not included) and the handy pocket clip makes it easy to bring along. Choose from four cool colors and add your school, sports team, organizational or company logo, emblem or message to customize.

Shipping Options

  • Weight: 8 Lbs
  • Boxing types: Box
  • Boxing sizes: 13 x 11 x 13 Inch (250 pieces)


  • Available Colors: Medium Black, Medium Blue, Medium Gray, Dark Red


  • SAGE: 553235155
  • Decoration Methods: Screen Print
  • Available Location: Barrel
  • Color Group: Black, Blue, Gray, Maroon